Getting started
Default Credentials
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Docker Deployment
Endurain provides a Docker image for simplified deployment. To get started, check out the docker-compose.yml.example
file in the project repository and adjust it according to your setup. Supported tags are:
- latest: contains the latest released version;
- version, example "v0.3.0": contains the app state available at the time of the version specified;
- development version, example "dev_06092024": contains a development version of the app at the date specified. This is not a stable released and may contain issues and bugs. Please do not open issues if using a version like this unless asked by me.
Supported Environment Variables
Table below shows supported environment variables. Variables marked with optional "No" should be set to avoid errors.
Environment variable | Default value | Optional | Notes |
UID | 1000 | Yes | User ID for mounted volumes. Default is 1000 |
GID | 1000 | Yes | Group ID for mounted volumes. Default is 1000 |
TZ | UTC | Yes | Timezone definition. Useful for TZ calculation for activities that do not have coordinates associated, like indoor swim or weight training. If not specified UTC will be used. List of available time zones here. Format Europe/Lisbon expected |
ENDURAIN_HOST | http://localhost:8080 | No |
Required for internal communication and Strava. For Strava https must be used. Host or local ip (example: or |
GEOCODES_MAPS_API | changeme | No |
Geocode maps offers a free plan consisting of 1 Request/Second. Registration necessary. |
DB_TYPE | postgres | Yes | mariadb or postgres |
DB_HOST | postgres | Yes | mariadb or postgres |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Yes | 3306 or 5432 |
DB_USER | endurain | Yes | N/A |
DB_PASSWORD | changeme | No |
N/A |
DB_DATABASE | endurain | Yes | N/A |
SECRET_KEY | changeme | No |
Run "openssl rand -hex 32" on a terminal to get a secret |
ALGORITHM | HS256 | Yes | Currently only HS256 is supported |
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES | 15 | Yes | Time in minutes |
REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_DAYS | 7 | Yes | Time in days |
STRAVA_CLIENT_ID | changeme | Yes | Needed if you want to enable the Strava integration |
STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET | changeme | Yes | Needed if you want to enable the Strava integration |
STRAVA_AUTH_CODE | changeme | Yes | Needed if you want to enable the Strava integration |
JAEGER_ENABLED | false | Yes | N/A |
JAEGER_PROTOCOL | http | Yes | N/A |
JAEGER_HOST | jaeger | Yes | N/A |
JAGGER_PORT | 4317 | Yes | N/A |
BEHIND_PROXY | false | Yes | Change to true if behind reverse proxy |
Table below shows the obligatory environment variables for mariadb container. You should set them based on what was also set for the Endurain container.
Environemnt variable | Default value | Optional | Notes |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | changeme | No |
N/A |
MYSQL_DATABASE | endurain | No |
N/A |
MYSQL_USER | endurain | No |
N/A |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | changeme | No |
N/A |
Table below shows the obligatory environment variables for postgres container. You should set them based on what was also set for the Endurain container.
Environemnt variable | Default value | Optional | Notes |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | changeme | No |
N/A |
POSTGRES_DB | endurain | No |
N/A |
POSTGRES_USER | endurain | No |
N/A |
PGDATA | /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata | No |
N/A |
To check Python backend dependencies used, use poetry file (pyproject.toml).
Frontend dependencies:
- To check npm dependencies used, use npm file (package.json)
- User avatars create using DiceBear ( avataaars style
- Logo created on Canva
Docker image uses a non-root user, so ensure target folders are not owned by root. Non-root user should use UID and GID 1000. It is recommended to configure the following volumes for data persistence:
Volume | Notes |
<local_path>/endurain/backend/files/bulk_import:/app/backend/files/bulk_import |
Necessary to enable bulk import of activities. Place here your activities files |
<local_path>/endurain/backend/files/processed:/app/backend/files/processed |
Necessary for processed original files persistence on container image updates |
<local_path>/endurain/backend/user_images:/app/backend/user_images |
Necessary for user image persistence on container image updates |
<local_path>/endurain/backend/logs:/app/backend/logs |
Log files for the backend |
Bulk import and file upload
.fit files are preferred. I noticed that Strava/Garmin Connect process of converting .fit to .gpx introduces additional data to the activity file leading to minor variances in the data, like for example additional meters in distance and elevation gain. Some notes:
- After the files are processed, the files are moved to the processed folder.
- GEOCODES API has a limit of 1 Request/Second on the free plan, so if you have a large number of files, it might not be possible to import all in the same action.